Kolkata Resists Muslim Aggression. Hindu Women performed Arati in open road to stop road-show Namaz by outsider Muslims in Burrabazar.

TMC District President Ashok Jha sacked by Mamata Banerjee to appease the Islamists over an illegal and unjustified extension of a dilapidated and almost abandoned Mosque.
Courtsey : hinduexistence on January 10, 2010
There is a small dilapidated building in Burrabazar area of Kolkata. It was once owned by a Muslims before 1947. Presently there is no Muslim house in the locality. About 20 years back some Muslims came and requested local Hindus that they want to offer Namaz there every Friday. Hindus granted their appeal. Not only that, local Hindu businessmen helped them to remodeling it as a Mosque providing them stone and marble as donation. Only 10-12 Muslims used to come there every Friday and offer Namaz. There was no disturbance, no problem. In fact Hindus protect the so called Mosque throughout the time. Despite the fact that space is extremely costly in this area as this Burrabazar is business capital of entire Eastern India, that religious place of Muslims was never encroached by the local businessmen.
There is a small dilapidated building in Burrabazar area of Kolkata. It was once owned by a Muslims before 1947. Presently there is no Muslim house in the locality. About 20 years back some Muslims came and requested local Hindus that they want to offer Namaz there every Friday. Hindus granted their appeal. Not only that, local Hindu businessmen helped them to remodeling it as a Mosque providing them stone and marble as donation. Only 10-12 Muslims used to come there every Friday and offer Namaz. There was no disturbance, no problem. In fact Hindus protect the so called Mosque throughout the time. Despite the fact that space is extremely costly in this area as this Burrabazar is business capital of entire Eastern India, that religious place of Muslims was never encroached by the local businessmen.
But, they had an eye on it. Since last one year Muslims tried to make illegal construction on the roof of the building. Naturally local residents gave objection because it would block the windows of the neighboring households. One of the adjacent building is of Sri Ashok Jha who was the President of Trinamool Congress of Burrabazar District till six day back. He too gave objection as his windows also would be blocked by the illegal construction. But, Muslims tried repeatedly. Hence Ashok Jha prayed to Judicial Court and got injunction upon the illegal construction. Court also ordered the Police to Impose section 144 of Cr PC under which any gathering in the area is prohibited.
Defying all these Court Orders, Muslims again put a tin shed over the roof of the building. Despite complaining, Police took no action. By this time the local people formed a forum named Rabindra Sarani Muhalla Committee under the leadership of Ashok Jha.. This committee collected mass signature and campaigned against this illegal construction because the local Hindus became apprehensive about the sinister design of the Muslims to expand their area of domination throughout the area.
Getting stiff resistance from Hindu populace and Ashok Jha, Muslims sought help from the infamous Imam Barkati of Tipu Sultan Masjid, Kolkata. Barkati informed to Mamata Banerjee and complained against Ashok Jha. Mamata Banerjee is ever ready and more than eager to please Muslims. So she ordered Jha to stop the agitation. Jha tried to explain the actual situation and local sentiment. But Mamata is already convinced what to do. She sacked Ashok Jha instantly from the post of District President of TMC and conveyed the decision by TMC MLA Dinesh Bajaj, as reports came in.
On 6th January, the members of Rabindra Sarani Muhalla Committee under the leadership of Ashok Jha removed the tin shed from the roof of the building. Muslims made a hue and cry and spread a rumor that the Mosque has been broken by Hindus. On the Same day afternoon, TMC MLA Dinesh Bajaj visited the spot and told the Muslims to go ahead with the construction and that he would protect them.
In this situation Ashok Jha with his followers started fast unto death from 7th January morning against the unlawful activities of the Muslims. 8th January was Friday. Tension was palpable in the area. Police posting was there. At 12 noon, about 300 Muslims came by trucks and cars. There was no space inside the building for such a huge crowd. They assembled on the road Rabindra Sarani. Mohalla committee members appealed to the police to disperse them as Sec. 144 was already imposed there. But police took no action. Muslims formed cues, blocked the road and offered Namaz. By this time about 2000 Hindus also gathered there. They did not create any obstruction to the Namaz. But, they too started Bhajan and Arati on the road. Hindu women took part in it in large number. When the Namaz was completed, then Police started action flexing its muscle. Police mercilessly lathicharged upon the Hindus, dispersed them and forcibly arrested Ashok Jha with his wife and 25 Muhalla Committee members. Raju Vajpayee was ruthlessly assaulted by the police. Police broke his hand mercilessly. He is suffering from severe pain still now. Mr. Ranvir Kumar, Asst. Deputy Commissioner of Police, abused Mrs. Shaila Jha and other members of Maithily Parishad with filthy languages which is unprintable. The Muslims also blocked the passage of two Ambulances forcefully with the passive help of Police at the time of Namaz covering the road.
The whole area became tense, all the shops in he busy market place shut down their shutter, local schools declared closure immediately. Police dispersed any mob throughout the day and after who tried to peep into the disputed building. Police ruthlessly crushed any type of protest on behalf of the Hindus.
No political party or any of their leaders came to visit the spot and lend support to the Hindus, although all parties and each and every leader of those parties collect money from the businessmen of this Burrabazar area. Hindu Samhati leaders visited the spot, talked to the wife of Ashok Jha and his followers, assured support to them for the cause. Sri Jha and others were released in mid night.
The situation of Burrabazar area is speedily deteriorated scince last Assembly election in 2005, when the most communal and criminal Mohammed Shorab was elected from Burrabazar Constituency in the ticket of RJD, with the support of CPIM. Since then Shorab, a small time fruit seller, calls the shot in the area. Now, he captures the ownership of all the prime location which are being transferred. Moreover, the Marwaris or the local businessmen go to his ‘Durbar’ for sorting out their disputes or internal matters. Mohammed Shorab takes huge amount of money from these people for his service, i.e. utilizing the influence of his muscle power or underworld strength.
The Muslim dominated areas of Kolutola, Zakaria Street, Kalabagan Basti are situated near Burrabazar and Nakhoda Masjid, the largest Mosque of Kolkata too is nearby. So, Muslims are very much eager to capture the business district of the entire eastern India. Fortunately, this business community (mainly Marwaris) and the laborers of the area are not so called Seculars, as they are not of Bengali origin. Perhaps, their intellect and rationale have not been shattered/jeopardized/confused by the oft repeated hymn, “ Jato Mat Tato Path.”
But , they are now being to compelled to surrender to the brute force of Muslims and their gang-leader Mohamed Shorab. The ruling Party CPIM although extracts money from this businessmen, but they pretend to be anti-Marwari. For example, for long time the educational Boards of Marxist govt, print question papers for Board Examination in Bengali, English and Urdu. But not in Hindi, although a large number of Hindi speaking students, most of whom are children of poor labour class, such as Jute mill Laborers, Tea garden laborers, etc. Everybody knows that majority portion of Muslims of West Bengal, who live in the rural areas, do not know Urdu at all. Only a very small portion of Urdu speaking Muslims live in Kolkata and suburbs, most them are Bihari Muslims. But only to appease the Fundamentalist sentiment of the Muslims, all these misdeeds have been done by the communists, resulting in breaking the morale of Non Bengali People and moral boost up of fundamentalist Muslims.
Earlier, this business community i.e. Marwaris were used to be prey of the Marxsists, now the same people are being squeezed and persecuted by the Muslims goons.
As in Assam, the internal conflict between the Assamese and the Bengalis ultimately weakened the Hindu Society and resulted in Muslim domination ( now 7 districts out of 23 in Assam have become Muslim majority), in West Bengal too, the Marwari – Bengali difference may create the same condition here. Here both Bengali and Non Bengali Hindu communities should take lesson from the situation of Assam and should work together to resist growing Islamisation of the State.
At the time of discussion between Mrs. Shaila Jha, wife of Sri Ashok Jha and Samhati Vice President U Brahmachari & State Secretariat Member J K Mitra , Mrs. Jha said: “for the last 30 years or more there was no tension over this mosques and the Moulavi of this Mosque and the Mosque itself were saved by the local Hindus at the time of turmoil in 6th December, 1992 when many temples were destroyed by the Muslims heinously”. She categorically said that ” Vijay Upadhaya of the State Samajwadi Party and his notorious gang men and Dinesh Bajaj, the Local TMC MLA are trying to add fuel to the fire of communal politics, keeping their eyes only to Muslim Vote Bank.” Hindu Samhati leaders assured all possible helps to the victims of the situation arisen out of the conspiracy of some sections of fundamental and obstinate religious and political leaders from all quarters.
Except some Hindi News papers, no Bengali or English print-media covered the matter anyway. But the Urdu media is fomenting the Muslim Mind in this respect very dangerously.
Posted by Upananda Brahmacahri. Source : Hindu Existence.
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